Health & Safety Are Tapawingo’s Highest Priority

Since 1919 we have provided a safe, healthy environment for thousands of Tap girls.  We have a robust staff training period before campers arrive, where we go over these topics, and more, in detail:

  • physical safety
  • emotional safety
  • conflict resolution
  • child development
  • risk management
  • injury prevention
  • effective coaching
  • community-building

As an American Camp Association accredited camp, we complete regular safety checks and consistently demonstrate our exemplary safety procedures. We have a network of professionals in the local community that can be called upon if a situation warrants it. Bridgton, 15 minutes away, has a hospital and an orthodontist. 

We serve healthy foods, adhere to consistent bedtimes, and encourage campers to hydrate, wear a hat and apply sunscreen and/or bug spray. We pay particular attention to our younger campers that are still refining their hygiene skills such as trimming fingernails and proper hair care.

“If I had to describe Tapawingo in one word, it would be magical. Everything about that place is just so nostalgic, supportive, and fun. ”
Dancing while observing CDC guidelines

Staff Certifications

Dancing while observing CDC guidelines

Our staff are certificated in areas such as American Red Cross Lifeguarding, Wilderness First Aid, Maine Trip Leaders, Canoe Instruction, Water Ski Instruction and in high ropes operations.

Our Health Center Consists of:

  • Medical staff (RN, LPN or an EMT) and a full summer camp physician who lives onsite and provides clinic hours after breakfast and before dinner.
  • At least one medical staff is at every meal to distribute medications.
  • We utilize electronic health records. We collect camper health information in the spring in order to prepare for the season. The more we know about the physical, emotional, mental, and social health of your child the better we can care for her.
“I’ve seen strength defined here at camp. I’ve seen girls canoeing on the Allagash River and backpacking the Appalachian Trail on our Mini Range face challenges head on by working together and supporting each other. To be a part of this is one of my greatest accomplishments. It’s taught me something I wish I knew five years ago: being strong doesn’t mean facing challenges alone. ”