Why Full Session? Seven Weeks of Joyful Growth

Tapawingo is a place of infinite personal growth. Social, emotional, skills-based learning are woven into the fabric of our daily routines. The more time each camper spends at camp, the more completely she is able to develop and practice these skills. Using a carefully-crafted, sequenced program, Tapawingo teaches life-long lessons about valuing people, being active and appreciating the natural world.

“Tap is magical. As a camper and in my memory, camp was a place of joy where you could be free to be your authentic self. You were independent and learned how to be a friend, you had so much fun, could be silly and goofy, and feel comfortable doing that. I think those feelings and that experience carries you through life and teaches you that it feels really good to be yourself and to know that people will accept you for yourself. ”

Can’t Do Seven Weeks? We Understand.

Each camper and family is unique and you may not be able to commit for the entire summer. We have a flexible schedule for Tap girls who may want to start with one of our half sessions, Session One or Session Two.


Whatever you choose, every camper engages in a growth oriented experience in our dynamic community with a myriad of activities and special events.